KEGS newsletter

Volume 26, Issue 10

Welcome to October, Fall colors, and Halloween trick-or-treaters!  The Tech Corner, General Meeting, and Linux SIG are all now hybrid meetings with growing attendance. The Digital Imaging SIG has opted to continue with Zoom meetings only.

On October 4th, our General Meeting program will be "Cyber-Safety in the Digital Age" presented by Bob Gostischa.  The way we live, work, and play has changed dramatically over the course of the past half-century.  The 9-5 economics of years past have been replaced with globally integrated 24/7 service offerings.  Consumers in the digital age have access to a host of services and products that could have previously been considered available only in the realms of science fiction.  This presentation points out the dangers and offers suggestions that will aid in keeping you secure in this digital era. Using the right programs and apps can help keep you safe and secure as well as shrink your digital footprint. Using free programs and apps whenever possible to accomplish this goal is an added bonus and this presentation includes information on many recommended free programs. Join presenter Bob Gostischa as he guides you in the right direction to enhance your Cyber-safety in the digital age.  Bob will answer your questions after his presentation.

We always need more members, so please let others know about the informative meetings we have monthly and all of the free help we offer.  Please check the KEGS Calendar for dates and times of meetings.  We welcome visitors!

To keep up with technology visit to learn about their Monday morning meetings (9:00 AM PT), their Newsletter, and their Facebook page.

Plan to attend an APCUG Wednesday Workshop or Saturday Safari via Zoom.  Because KEGS is a member of APCUG, all KEGS members are able to attend free and are notified via email about these events.

Our Auction will be on June 6, 2023.  Please bring your donations to our May 2, 2023 Meeting at the North Bellevue Community Center.

I look forward to seeing you at our meetings soon.

gerald smith sig block

KEGS Officers, Board Members & Administrators

The Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle (KEGS) ~ PO Box 171 ~ Bellevue, WA 98009-0171 ~

Copyright 1997 - 2024 by Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle ~ Site Design by Toolie Web Design