Here is the information on KEGS' monthly Special Interest Groups (SIG) and Board Meetings.

  • Check our Meeting Locations page for directions on how to get to the North Bellevue Community Center (NBCC).
  • Meetings at the NBCC are hybrid meetings (in-person plus Zoom).
  • Click on a specific SIG link in the table below to get further information including how to contact SIG leaders.
  • Don't forget to sign-in at every SIG meeting you attend so you get Kegabuck$ credit. Also, be sure to ask the SIG leader for a "Special, General Meeting, drawing ticket". 
  • If you have any general SIG questions or want to start a KEGS SIG contact our SIG coordinator at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Check the Newsletters page for Topics and Other Special Events.

First Tuesday

Tech Corner SIG
Hybrid ~ 6:00 pm
Room D

General Meeting
Hybrid ~ 7:00 pm
Room D

Second Tuesday

Hybrid ~ 6:30 pm
Room D

Fourth Tuesday

Digital Imaging SIG
Zoom ~ 7:00 pm

Fourth Wednesday

Board Meeting
via Zoom ~ 7:00 pm

First Tuesday

The KEGS Technology Corner

6:00 - 7:00 pm

Andy Peck

KEGS Technology Corner contact: Andy Peck, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Those of you who can come in early (6:00 PM) prior to our KEGS General meeting can also participate in our KEGS Technology Corner.

The KEGS Technology Corner is for all levels of computer knowledge. The format is very informal, involving mostly group discussions. The moderator is not a computer professional, but a casual user who views electronic devices as tools to simplify and enhance our lives. His first computer was an Atari 800XL, purchased in 1985. Topics for discussion and questions from members typically include current events in technology, and issues related to the use of computers in personal or home office applications. Answers to most questions and concerns come from the collective knowledge of our members, consistent with our mission of "members helping members".

KEGS General Meeting

7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

gerald smith 100w

The KEGS program chairman can be contacted at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The KEGS General Meeting takes place at the North Bellevue Community Center in Conference Room D (see maps).

Our KEGS general meeting format includes general club information, announcements by the SIG leaders, an open question and answer segment, and formal presentation.

Please go to our General Meeting Schedule page for a listing of the scheduled presenters at our KEGS general meetings.


Second Tuesday

Linux SIG

(Bellevue Linux User Group - BELUG)
North Bellevue Community Center
6:30 pm

KEGS Linux SIG general meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month from 6:30 p.m. Meetings officially end at 8:30.

Meetings are informal. Activities include short talks/presentations, discussing recent news about Linux and other free software, answering questions about almost anything related to computers, helping attendees install Linux, providing advice about how to study Linux, networking and exchanging job information.

Everyone interested in Linux and/or other free software is invited -- including absolute beginners.

BELUG joins the KEGS Sig meeting at the North Bellevue Community Center.

Fourth Tuesday

Digital Imaging SIG

7:00 pm via Zoom

Sally Ann Mowrey

Sally Ann Mowrey ~ This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The Digital Imaging SIG explores the use of computers and technology in producing and manipulating digital photographs and images. Many members want to get out of the darkroom and on to the computer to process their images. We discuss picture taking, scanning, editing and printing techniques that produce the best digital images. We also talk about the hardware and software needed to do Digital Imaging.

Fourth Wednesday

KEGS Board Meeting

7 PM to 9 PM via Zoom

gerald smith 100w

Gerald Smith - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Board meetings are public and we welcome the attendance of any of our members. To obtain the Zoom link for this meeting contact us  at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

KEGS Officers, Board Members & Administrators

The Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle (KEGS) ~ PO Box 171 ~ Bellevue, WA 98009-0171 ~

Copyright 1997 - 2024 by Komputer Enthusiasts of Greater Seattle ~ Site Design by Toolie Web Design