KEGS newsletter

Volume 26, Issue 9

Welcome to September and maybe cooler weather!  We are now able to meet in person at the North Bellevue Community Center on Tuesdays in Room D.  Our meetings at the Center are Hybrid (in-person meeting and Zoom meeting combined). 

On September 6th, our General Meeting program will be "QR Codes and More" presented by John Krout.  QR codes provide a great variety of info and are popular for communicating Uniform Resource Locators (URLs), also known as web page addresses.  Find out how your smartphone can read QR codes and other barcodes.  In particular, find out about the info stored about you in the barcode on the back of your driver's license or state ID card.  Some stores, including grocery stores where the presenter lives, now scan that barcode when alcohol is purchased.  The scan obtains a great deal more personal info than your birth date.  John will show us how to create QR codes for lots of everyday uses.  Have you used the QR Bot App?  Please plan to join us in person or via Zoom.

KEGS Member Andy Peck is our new Leader for the Technology Corner Special Interest Group that meets at 6:00 PM before the 7:00 PM General Meeting at the Center.  Our Linux Special Interest Group will meet on September 13th at 6:30 PM at the Center, and our Digital Imaging Special Interest Group will meet on September 27th at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

We always need more members, so please let others know about the informative meetings we have monthly and all of the free help we offer.  Please check the KEGS Calendar for dates and times of meetings.  We welcome visitors!

To keep up with technology visit to learn about their Monday morning meetings (9:00 AM PT), their Newsletter, and their Facebook page.

Plan to attend an APCUG Wednesday Workshop or Saturday Safari via Zoom. Because KEGS is a member of APCUG, all KEGS members are able to attend free and are notified via email about these events.

Our Auction is planned for November 1st this year.  Please set aside items you plan to donate to our Auction.   

I look forward to seeing you at a meeting soon.

gerald smith sig block